It is getting cold outside again and it is that time of year again for us. Plan, budget, create, and plan some more. We are looking toward 2007 which as hard as it is to believe, is almost here. Where did this year go? So, we evaluate everything we do; every checklist, file, accounting detail, client list, thing that went well, things that did not go quite as well as we had hoped, and so on. It is time to prepare.
November of each year is our National Realtor Convention in which this year is being held in New Orleans. Jay and Jessica left today and are arriving rested and ready for a full day tomorrow of learning the newest technology and ways to aid our clients to the best of our ability. I will be joining them but not until Sunday. I will be spending the weekend with my wife and son in Kansas City, where the above photo was taken (and let me tell you, it was cold!)
I must admit it, planning one, two, five years in advance is not an easy task for me. For some this is very easy, but for me, I want to know for sure what will happen and not speculate about something that is not certain. With the aid of great people and visionaries like Jessica, it makes seeing the possibilities easier. She is a great planner. She has the skills that everyone wishes they had.
So, if you too struggle with planning, goal setting, budgeting or whatever it may be, surround yourself with people that are good at those tasks. A simple thought it is, but few do it. Funny thing is, I am a great planner and visionary, as long as my staff is there with me showing me the way.
1 comment:
Wow, thanks for the compliment! You would have loved the seminar that I just got out of. Allan Dalton of realtor.com spoke about business planning and how crucial it is that you also do a website plan in addition to your business plan. There were also several other top Realtors that also talked about having an online presence and planning it out. Blogging is big and becoming very forefront, the problem is that most agents don't even know it yet. And just think...you've been blogging since February of this year. You're way ahead of the game!
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