Monday, January 08, 2007


Well it finally happened. After 20 years of managing real estate investments, we had a fire. Not some little fire mind you, a real flame coming out of the roof kind of fire. One so hot that the heat from it melted the two cars in the driveway.

On January 5th about 5:30 am I get the emergency call all property managers fear. "Sir we have a fire." I immediately jumped out of bed, got dressed and out the door I ran. I called my office manager who also hurried to get to the home. Not knowing what to expect, it was an eerie site. As I approached the neighborhood, one could see the lights from the emergency vehicles at least a half mile away. There were 10 fire trucks, 2 ambulances, police cars, Fire Marshall, and 31 firemen. They were prepared. Truly a sight to see.

We are very blessed that no one was killed. Yes, killed. Within 90 seconds, that's right 1 1/2 minutes or less from having fatalities. If it was not for our hero of the day, Mike, this whole thing would be much different. You see, we always think of the damage the fire does, but often forget about the carbon monoxide that is emitted from the fire. Sometimes, people just don't wake up.

The home had smoke detectors, 4 of them actually, but the tenants took them apart rather than have to deal with that annoying beeping noise that tells us to change the battery. That little annoyance, almost cost these tenants there lives.

This experience teaches me how fragile life can be and to look for and appreciate every detail of my life, including the little things. Some times little annoyances can be big blessings in disguise, and I hope I never overlook them.

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